MSSD14 6-12 PAC Core Values 

Build relationships between students, families, and D14 at large, by fostering Manitou community connections

● educate parents about the opportunities that exist for their students
● communicate and celebrate the experiences that are happening in our schools and community
● enable parents to support students in taking advantage of opportunities to become involved with each other and the community and connecting with the world
● encourage parents to help create the next opportunity for students

Deep Learning:
● preparedness for student success
● foster communication between student parent and teachers
● utilize all opportunities to pursue the first two bullets

Encompass a student culture of immersive opportunities for students and parents by utilizing mentorships to help every student get prepared for what success means for them.

Using available resources to enhance student’s motivation and value in learning relevant yet exciting content; not just college bound but interest or career based.

Building a supportive network between the parent, teacher, and student develops innovative learning opportunities to meet the unique desires and interests of students.